This sailing opportunity expired on 05/11/2023. You may want to take a look at our current sailing opportunities instead.
Boat type
Fountaine Pajot Orana 44 Catamaran
Financial arrangements
No contribution required
1 October onwards
Travel expenses
Paid by crew
Denarau Fiji
Date posted
Opua New Zealand
Expiry date
Qualification level required (or equivalent)
We are sailing back to NZ from Denarau or Vuda with the first good weather window after 10 October. The boat will clear in at Opua and then cruise down the coast to Whangateau, approx 60 miles north of Auckland, which is where I live.
The boat s well set up for offshore cruising with excellent gear and all the necessary safety equipment now required for Cat 1 in NZ. She sails well so we expect a passage time of 7-8 days depending on weather.. Currently have one other crew member and now seeking one additional crew member, or couple, with some offshore sailing experience. Food and fuel is covered by the boat. Crew are welcome to join the boat now and disembark in Whangateau if they choose. Crew must be confident to manage watches and happy to help with daily sailing work like cooking and cleaning. We are all here to enjoy life on the oceans, so really looking for someone with a zest for life who gets on easily with their fellow crewmates.
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